i'll post only 2 pictures of hotairballoon as tomorrow i'm going there AGAIN!!! wahahaa..

the colorful balloon for ride..

the gigantic levi was burnt *lesson of the day: know your limit and when you play with fire, play wisely*
then we went off for our bah kut teh at klang.. went to the ever famous bah kut teh under the bridge but we were too late so we went to the back road's.. taste wise, i would rate as bah kut stew.. even my cook tasted better.. haha.. but the environment there i kinda like it.. especially this upcoming picture

a place that made me feel lonely by just looking at it *p/s: now i am too hungry to post any bah kut teh pics*
went for a 2nd round bah kut teh as the 1st did not satisfy our monsteric tummy.. 2nd round was so much better in terms of value, outlook and varieties..
after bkt, we went to jusco bukit tinggi for a walk and movie.. seriously 13 of us watch.. i think 10 fell asleep.. soon after that we went to shah alam i-city..
after bkt, we went to jusco bukit tinggi for a walk and movie.. seriously 13 of us watch.. i think 10 fell asleep.. soon after that we went to shah alam i-city..

i-city sunset..

some trees..


penguins.. reminds me of us ^o^ *et, cicak, yt n kg.. the us i meant r u gals*

the last picture i took..
ss alot on that day, i was really happy until things happened n gradually affected my mood.. today ms cheah's lecture's cases kept me away from doozing off.. normally we see the proverb as such 'a picture says a thousand word' but today i was reminded of this 'word is sharper than a knife' it is indeed very heart breaking.. yesterday was a day filled with happiness, laughters, anger, disappointment and undescribe-able feelings.. never had ms ib asked for the title.. great titles come with great responsibility.. never had ms ib owed anyone.. all ms ib did was to be 'kar leung'..
apart from that.. feel very blessed having a bunch of great companies with me.. and also thx for the live telecast of zee avi's concert just now.. i appreciates it very much ^.^... a week filled with all sorts of emotions.. wow.. my life is indeed.. VERY INTERESTING!!!.. hahaha..
Eee...penguin reminds you of me? Penguin not chicken le....HAHAHAHA....Anyway, glad to knw that u're happy....
Btw, apa tu i-city?
u all always call me that ma.. sama gang,, so i remember al of u at the same time.. i-city is in shah alam..
mom me not exactly very happy but happy too cos there are still lotsa ppl who cares for me.. if u read my blog.. lol.. i shall b happy happy ^^
Not happy cos of wat? FYP and others? I am suffocating here too ... U won't bliv how bsy i am now....c, now 8 smtg in d morning, i just finish a part of an assignment i nid 2 send to my group members...more to come...Most of us also in Final sem d, sure bsy giler...we must work hard lo....^^
things happened with reasons.. its over dee ^^... stress la.. this n that.. sickening
but happy sin ^^
This sem gt final exams?
sure got final exam la.. gila sungguh.. no study week.. zzz
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