some typical fruit punch with very soury taste, one sip guarantee you will be awaken! anyway the my portrait snapped by peipei.. ^^ and yea, cinderella new time is no longer before 0000 but 0300.. hahaha
and this is the baby nephew i am facing everyday.. as cute as he may look but when he roars, even my dad will also runaway because he can be real scary :P

he wanted to get my dslr but i lent him my bandanna and lil toy camera. his cute puppy eyes..

ended up, he put my lil camera into his little mouth >.<"
and this is my life now, still wandering around and not finding jobs.. i changed... don't you agree? can't wait to review 60D.. but because of canon page very miscommunicating, i don't even know if i am eligible for 1week trial + 50% discount.. canon marketing malaysia should take note to this matter. failing to create a reliable POP would cause alot of trouble to the consumers.. zzz
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