Wednesday, April 7, 2010


feeling cheesy.. but at least today cleared my suspicion towards an issue which i had in mind weeks ago.. another yes to my instinct.. the feeling of anger is not what i feel now but doubting on current situation.. suddenly i feel everything so fake.. overcame my ego, that i've made a few steps to straighten things up and then the green lite on net somehow re-appeared.. but the blue lite tells everything.. it can be done without my consent but can never be undone without my assent..

setitik nila rosak susu sebelanga.. *nothing to do with this random picture*

done with law.. lets concentrate on fyp and interactive multimedia..

**i'm not emo but having the cheesy feeling
**----------------------------------... *doh*
**lol.. speechless..


Unknown said...

wat does "cheesy feeling" mean? like how??

cmei said...

cheesy can be means cheap or unpleasant... but i am feeling unpleasant