our 1st dinner, price and taste wise i would give 4/5 rating.. as for service.. 4.9/5.. lol

generous amount and tasteful prawn mantis at incredibly good price.. haha

me at magical rabbit land.. lol..
we went to pretty lotsa places also but.....some pics r in CR2 file which makes me pretty lazy to process it yet.. dats y this is part 1... but wait... i'm not yet done with this post..

at strawberry moments.. food rating below average.. but environment wise.. still ok *dunno y i like this pic alot.. lol*

at the pasar malam with my fav ice cream.. n my poor ss skill >.<"

our wonderful fresh salad breakfast *did i mentioned, we r staying in hotel.. haha but we have a multipurpose cooker,, will reveal it the next post*
went to boh tea plantation.. the driving experience to go there was scary+funny+awesome+stress+happy.. oh all sorts of feeling.. n most of all the satisfaction upon arrival with a phew~~ finally.. lol

company pic at entrance ^_^ *this pic is too nice to photoshop, yeahs saved time*

princess gloria and the 3 domos at boh tea plantation..

lol.. some natural shots while i was thinking of how to pose.. wahaha.. now i feel i look stupid with my hat.. lol *thx to bosses for snapping this*
too many pics to post.. but thats all.. need to go out settle pretty much stuff.. hp need to service.. need to take laptop out to help my fren's assignment n settle another deal.. wahahaha.. byez
btw i'm working on my portfolio website.. hehe.. i got my own domain already :D *pls congrats me*
wuhoOo~ miss it, miss it x)
congrat for d domain~ hehe...
hahaha.. i oso miss it.. ^__^
yeah got domain.. but i belum sedia my web >.<
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