Sunday, February 14, 2010

~Roarrr Rawrrr Woww~

Rawrrr.. today officially marks the year of tiger.. as a tigress i am very proud to ROARrrrr... nothing much done although i'm back home for almost 3days.. i did not really clean my room.. did not make new header which should be up now.. oh yeah today is also my blogspot 1st anniversary.. wish me pls wish me.. went shopping with parents for 2 days.. dad got more clothes from his son and daughter.. ermm.. where is/are my sponsor(s)??

just now as usual chinese new year eve.. i bathed lucky.. but after the shower.. as usual as well took him for a walk in the park.. but something more is.. i took my camera with me too.. ^o^..

here are my lucky's portraits
lucky hereby wish all of u... happy chinese new year ^o^ will re-edit this pic to create cooler feel

lucky boy with his hat.. the weather too hot, needs to protect his tiny head.. hehe

lucky's passport picka.. very symmetrical.. haha

waiting for snacks again..

happy chinese new year.. *p/s: i will not wish anybody happy valentine.. yet*

**1st pic undergo photoshop.. lots lots of work on it..
**2nd pic.. change color temperature
**3rd and 4th pic.. non-photoshop.. power of my 2.8... wahahaha
**hope to work on my header later la.. hahaha..


choonhong said...

happy cny

cmei said...

happy chinese new year.. roarrr

YeeLeng said...

Happy birthday to ur blog!
2.8 *evilsmirk*

cmei said...

yeeleng> hehe... my blog says thankiu.. 2.8 *griltongue* sama sama with urs.. i understand ur feeling with the lens now.. ^^

cmei said...
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