very theorical word from my title.. its nothing to do with curry puff nor it can be eaten.. when tutor explained this word.. it pokes me and of cause, led me to think which she realized and asked me to stop day dreaming.. oh smart and cunning tutor.. which i have to pay 100% in class.. her class was a bit upbeating with lots lots of question point to us..
back to my title.. i'll make a bit of explanation to clear some of your question marks in your heads.. mere puff is something said or done just to grab your attention which for my own understanding is promise made for the sake of saying for that moment and then can be completely ignore or just totally forget about it.. good one..
it has been a long time since i walk alone in the rain.. which that moment i feel so happy and wished to walk without my reddy umbrella but i cant.. all thanks to my 2 beautiful law books which cost me almost 30bucks..

the books and file that i hugged so tight during the walk ^o^

the red umbrella that sheltered me from the rain..
many transitions will happen in this year.. part of it, i'm graduating soon.. another part of it i'm still in dilemma of when to work and where.. all in my mind now was to go travel with my camera and maybe my leopea too.. if member bar get a place.. i'll book a ticket.. if my application successful.. i'll leave the ticket but book another 1.. there are so many if(s) recently.. some asked me will i feel awkward.. i guess i would not.. told 2 friends of mine that my instinct told me i was blocked.. if its true.. i'll be very grateful.. thank you very much.. haha.. things happened with tons of reasons.. maybe recently i started to feel and aware that the range is extended.. phewww..
talked to a friend just now, i just said what i feel because i treat you as a friend.. i do not wish every outing with u guys lead to an argument.. i just want a nice decent dinner with my friends.. no vulgar please.. i feel very disturbed when i hear vulgar or in a scene where a big fuss is made over some small problem.. i just want to eat my dinner peacefully.. i know i do say or typed "cilaka" pretty frequent lately.. but its just a rude word to express my anger and its not vulgaric.. i know i cant change my friend but at least please try not to repeat so much of vulgaric words or dialects.. it is very very disturbing =.="
i'm not emo right now.. in fact too tired to emo.. tired of pulling votes but i cant stop.. 34stars away from 1st place which means i need at least 25more voters who will click only on 5 stars to make me a champion.. if anyone can help me i'll be much grateful and appreciates.. where to find the 25 kind-hearted intelligence human to click for me?
tot u study law tim when i look at ur pix..hhahhha
u really tat hate ppl speak vulgars meh? i do speak sometimes..
lol.. yeah i dun like la.. cos its not nice ma.. sounds like samseng.. nola.. i study graphic design n multimedia.. law is jus a course :D.. try not to speak la.. not nice..^^ sometimes u can pissed ppl off with jus words..
Vulgar? 'D' ke?
yeah... i talked to him.. i ask him dun always so vulgaric.. haha.. u know i dun like to mix so much with ppl whom mouth full of vulgar.. if u wan2 pissed ppl off.. u can use many words.. even simple words can b use to pissed ppl off.. :D
ah... it is rather depressing to know nowadays youth vocabulary is so limited to the F word. There are many other good word in english to scorn a fool. First you may use nincompoop. Imbecile is nice too, if a person good at making things undone it is best describe as incompetent. If inspite of their fatal error but they still insist that they are right, then you may call them as recalcitrant :D
einsam soldat> incompetent n nincompoop is enuf.. haha dun think most would understand recalcitrant :P
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