continue what my title meant.. sis n hubby gave me present during cny.. not just the
am i gonna get married in 2yrs? zzz siao

the pouch and hp ornament ^^

if u understand chinese.. u'll understand the meaning,,

the pouch and hp ornament ^^
whats the relation of the ornament with the facebook quiz.. lol..

if u understand chinese.. u'll understand the meaning,,
now is still not a suitable time to hang that ornament.. haha.. i'll wait for member to come back from uk so that we can
oh yeah today's line is EXCEPTIONALLY "GOOD"... let the picture below do the talkings
This is the service for what we have paid!!... continuously disconnection.. malaysia's services always like this.. same goes to that DAMN FITNESS FIRST.. that story i'll post it next month once i settle them off this coming sunday.. fyp is enough to kill but sentralfon and
**overall today very happy.. after talk to kahwei, laysim..
**chatted with my ahyit n ahleng ^^ *miss ib misses both of u oso ler*
**sleep 1st.. later cont fyp.. zzz
**bye everyone